I had so much fun at Walgreens this morning. When I saw their ad I knew that I had better get there early or nothing would be left. This is what I got;
- Gillette Fusion razor $9.00
- (2) Halls Refresh drops (Sugar Free) $1.00 each
- Robitussin to Go $2.49
- Dentek floss picks $2.00
- Oral B TB $3.00
- (2) Halloween coloring books (Bribery) $1/2
- Emergen-C $3.49
- (2) Dawn dish soaps .99 each
- Vaseline body lotion $6.99
- Herbal Essence conditioner $2.99
- (2) Ponds make up removal wipes $6.99 each
- Chapstick Refreshing Mandarin $2.99
- -$4.00 Gillette fusion razor 9/27 P&G
- -$1.00 Halls Refresh 9/27 SS
- -$1.00 B1G1 Free Halls Refresh (Tear pad at FredMeyer)
- -.33 Walgreens in store coupon coloring book
- -$6.99 B1G1 Free Ponds
- -(2) $1.50 Ponds products Here
- -(2) .50 Dawn dish soap (Home mailer)
- -$1.00 Dentek floss coupon ($1 May & April All You) or Here
- -$1.00 Herbal essence RP 8/23
- -$21.00 in RR
Total OOP $13.96 But then I got back $28 in RR
That's like paying $6.95 for everything including $3.88 in Tax.
*For those of you that don't have a stockpile of RR you could do the same deal that I did use the $5/$25 that is valid Tue & Wed. And get some great deals. Have a back up plan because Walgreeens is notorious for not restocking their shelves.
oooh, I didn't notice the Halls coupon when I was looking thru them this morning, am going to have to change my game plan. Now, did you do all this on one transaction or did you break it up into several?
I did it all in one transaction. Quick simple and easy.
also fred myers has a b1g1 coupon for the Halls so add that to the $1.00 off MF even better!
I did that in my transaction. The cashier questioned it but it scanned and I got two Halls and they paid me $1.
Oh sorry I didn't see that
which FM has the B1G1 coupons? I was at Francis a few days ago and got to chat the the H/B gal who was stocking. She had not seen the coupons yet and they didn't have any out.
I was at the Walgreens on Crestline and Wellesley today and the store seemed to be very well stocked. The only thing they didn't have were the Denteks but were well stocked on the Halls and Gillette razors. The cashier was really cool and was telling me a hilarious story about their neighborhood coupon KING. Some little old guy who carries around a huge binder full of coupons (de ja vue, no?). He does so well rolling the RRs its like Walgreens is making his mortgage payment. Im going back to see if I can run into this fellow, and I think this store might be my new favorite Wags :)
I got the B1G1 Free at the Wandermere store last week. They had displays set up with the drops everywhere. There were tons of tearpads. I haven't tried the store on Crestline. The Wandermere store was out of almost everything. I have alot of RR's I will be planning a few more trips.
Leah I got my B1G1 at Francis store they were on a display by the Pharmacy. Hope that helps. Also I went to Walgreens on Northwest Blvd and they were also very well stocked I got everything I need and probablymore lol
Thanks Jodee,
I like the store on NW Blvd they are very coupon friendly. If I had more energy I would stop by tonight. :-)
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