Friday, November 20, 2009

Santa Buddies

I'm so excited about this deal! My daughters love dogs and are going to love this movie. Hip2Save is reporting that Santa Buddies Blu Ray edition is going to be $19.99 at Target on 11/24. Use the $10 off Coupon from Here for an OOP of $9.99 each.  Remember that these are Combo packs so you get a regular dvd and a blu ray.  Yeah!

There are also a few MIR offers available too.Purchase  Santa Buddies and a Butterball turkey for $5.00 Rebate

Kristen at Couponing to Disney has even a better deal at Toy R us  if you are planning on purchasing Snow White and Santa Buddies for someone this year.  If Toy R us wasn't such a long drive I would probably consider this one for myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea for a holiday gift. thanks, cc