Have you noticed the terrible prices of produce lately? Usually I'm able to pick up most my produce at Winco each week but the prices have been extremely high. I decided to go through this weeks ads and find the best prices. No, I don't drive from store to store but if I'm in the area I do stop in.
Green Seedless Grapes $1.49 lb
8-lb Bag Safeway Navel Oranges $3.99
Garlic 3/.99
3-lb Strawberries $5.00 (Friday Only!)
Fred Meyer
1-lb Strawberries $1.50 each
Red, Green or Black grapes $1.68 lb
Large Avacodos 2/$3
8oz White Mushrooms $1.50 each
Dole Iceberg Salad 12oz bag .99 w/in ad coupon
Cameo, Gala or Fuji Apples .88 lb
Celery .89 lb
Artichokes $2.50 each
Bananas .54 lb
Red Peppers .88 each
Jalapeno peppers .79
Sweet Onions .78 lb
Mangos .78 each
2 lb baby Carrots $2.18 each
Serrano peppers $1.28 lb
Cilantro .48 each
Romaine hearts bagged salad mix $1.68 each
Broccoli Crowns .78 lb
Cauliflower Crowns .78 lb
Radishes & Green Onions .50 each
5 lb box Seedless Mandarins $4.98 w/in ad coupon
Asparagus $1.49 lb
Cantaloupe .49 lb
Red or Yellow Potatoes .69 lb
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