Monday, November 2, 2009

Coffee Peelies

I don't know about you but coffee is one of those things that I feel like I can never get stocked up on.  Maybe it's because my husband makes a full pot everyday but only drinks half of it. Yes, we have had several conversations about his wasting.  I almost dread asking him if he needs anything from the store because I know he's going to say coffee and I have no good coupons for it.  I know I shouldn't complain at least he is not stopping at "Five Bucks" every day.
(That's Starbucks to people who are not aquainted with Dave Ramsey)
So I was thrilled this week when I found some great coupons attached to his Maxwell house coffee canisters

Here is what I got
  • $1/2 Maxwell house packages
  • $2/2 General Foods International
  • $1/3 Participating Kraft Dessert products
  • $1.50 off Seattle's Best Coffee 12oz or lgr
  • $1/2 Tombstone pizzas
  • $2/2 Maxwell house instant coffeee
  • $1.50 off Starbucks coffee
*The Starbucks coffee would be great with the sale at FredMeyer this week for $5.99 each

1 comment:

Summer said...

Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for these! I need to start stocking up on coffee. I've got my whole family coming for Christmas, and they all go through coffee like it's water :)