Friday, October 23, 2009

Coupon Integrity

I ran into a friend today that works for a local grocery store he told me that the store was having problems with people using fraudulent internet coupons.  The problem is that people are taking coupons that they have printed off the internet and are making copies of them. It makes me extremely angry that people would risk their own integrity to steal from a grocery store.   I'm going to repeat this because making a copy of a coupon is actually STEALING from the store.  A manufacturer does not give a store credit for coupons that have been copied.  This should make all honest couponers angry as stores will start punishing everyone if this fraud continues.  I'm asking that anyone who reads this blog to please be honest when using coupons.  I know that 99.9% of couponers are honest.  I also know there have been plenty of times that I wish that I could print a few more coupons but never at the cost of my Integrity!


Leah said...

This makes me angry too! Especially when there are so many places and ways to legally obtain real coupons with out having to stoop to that level.

Anonymous said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more!! The other thing that makes me angry is when people have multiple club cards! This is yet just another way of cheating companies out of money. Seems pretty crazy to me!