Sunday, September 6, 2009

$300 Monthly Budget Review (Family of 5)

Albertsons $12.68 (I still have $10 in Catalinas) FredMeyer $10.91 Winco $7.24 Target $2.38 (I still have a $5 GC) Walgreens $1.98 (I still have $17 in Catalinas) Winco $45.80 I didn't post a picture of my Winco purchase but this is what I got
  • Maple Bread (Mmm yummy French toast) $1.88
  • Hy Top wheat bread x2 .96
  • Italian Roast Beef $3.34
  • Bartlett Pears $1.01
  • Romaine lettuce $2.88
  • Gala Apples $1.55
  • Cilantro .48 (I make fresh salsa every week for Taco tuesdays)
  • Mushrooms $3.56
  • Pork Loin Chops $7.18 ($1.99lb couldn't pass up)
  • New York Steaks $6.64 ( I have steaks in the freezer and it wasn't on my meal plan this week but sometimes you just have to make the hubby happy)
  • Bananas $1.29
  • Grapes $2.06
  • Granny Smith Apples $1.05
  • Nalley's chili x2 $1.78
  • Peaches $1.29
  • Sunflower seeds (Bulk) $1.05
  • Limes x2 .40
  • Garlic $1.28
  • Sour Cream $1.38
  • Taco Seasoning (Bulk) $1.03
  • 15# Bag of potato's $2.48

Total for the week $80.99, Remaining balance for the month $219.01

A little over budget but the house is really stocked and I won't have to spend as much this week.

*My monthly budget is for Eating out, Groceries & Health and Beauty. It's easy to save money by couponing but holding yourself to a monthly budget keeps your stockpiling and eating out to a reasonable level.

How did you do? Leave a post below


Kristin from Couponing to Disney said...

What a great post! I love posts like this. I spent $20 today. Here's my brag:

Leah said...

Hi Michelle,

For the month of August, I spent $246.79 and saved $254.39. I did not count my Fred Meyer Gift Card bootie since the card was free to me anyway but if I did count it then I spent $273.57 and saved $292.77. The $26.78 I used on the GC got me $65.15 in groceries. I also purchased alot of "stock up" stuff this month, like pasta, canned veg and beans from the Rosauers stock up sale that will last most of the winter and a big rib eye at Yokes when it was on sale for $4.99/lb, which made a dozen steaks and a nice Rib Eye roast for christmas :) Ive done better in other months, but considering what all I did purchase and payed real money for Im feeling alright :)