Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nature Valley Granola Cluster Coupon

Click HERE for a coupon for $1.60 off any Nature Valley Granola Clusters.

Then stop on by and see La Viedo Cheapo She has some great ideas on how to get these for free this week.


Unknown said...

I just started all this couponing a week ago and I really appreciate all the time you put into your blog. My pantry and food storage area are now stuffed with cereal,snacks,soups, and yogurt. My husband was a little overwhelmed with the ample supply until I explained that I was paying about .50 - .75 cents per box and about 1/4 of it was free. I have seven children and they take a snack to school every day so we go through a lot of snack food. I was told about your blog a little over a week ago and I thought wow I could really save on our grocery bill. I now know that it was a GOD thing because my husband was laid off last friday (he is an electrician and construction is so slow) and our budget has been severely cut so saving money is now a top priority. SO thanks for all you do!!

Michele said...


I'm sorry to hear that your husband lost his job. Stories like yours inspire me to continue what I'm doing. Thank you.
