Thursday, March 4, 2010

Meat Prices???

OK Let's talk Turkey. Or maybe just Meat prices.  I've had several conversations lately on what is a good price on meat and is it better to purchase a side of beef.  We used to purchase a side of beef each year. It was really nice knowing the source of our beef but I found that there were cuts of meat that we ate much quicker then others.  And then there were other cuts that I was not as familiar with and it would sit in the freezer forever. So the last two years I have just stocked up on meat when I felt it was a good price. I am not an expert by any means and would love to hear what others think is a good price. 


I purchased 40lbs of 93/7 Ground beef on New Years eve this year at Yokes for $1.99lb (I would pay up to $2.49lb) I also used the $10/$50 purchase from Rosauers.

During the Holidays I picked up (12) Prime Ribs for $2.99-$3.49lb at Winco and FM

I love the Carne Asada (Top round) from Winco I usually stock up at $2.37lb

NewYork Steaks I usually pay $4.99lb


I prefer Foster farms and puchased (10) Whole chickens at FredMeyer for .69lb

I also purchase the 6lb bag of chicken breasts from Costco (This is not a great price but I really like the convenience)


We have found the Safeway select ham to be one of our favorites. Last month they had them on sale for $1.99lb regularly $3.99lb. I purchased 15 half hams.

Pork Loin from Winco at .99lb

Jimmy Dean sausage for Free from Albertsons


I picked up four turkeys during Thanksgiving for Free from Safeway

Ground Turkey at Rosauers for $2.49 a package plus some for free


Leah said...

I don't know if I am really qualified to comment since I am not the one who makes most of the meat purchases in my house and I don't shop around like you do. But, most of the meat we get has been reduced to sell quickly, so we occasionally get some really nice deals - I think - DH has a tendancy to sneak meat into the house w/o telling me how much he paid for it. If I was the primary meat shopper I would say your getting some pretty good deals on meat.

Unknown said...

I agree with Leah your prices are what I would pay for meat. When a store has boneless skinless chicken breasts on sale for $1.66 (which Ablies does a few times a year) that is a stock up price for me. Hamburger I buy 85/15 at $1.88. I also used to buy the 1/2 beef and felt exactly the same as you we would always have a few cuts of meat I was not sure what to do with and I actually think I paid more than if I just watch for a sale. I do however think the hamburger from the 1/2 beef tastes a lot better.

Leah it must be nice to have and insider buying your meat lol I also buy some things that are reduced for quick sale especially steak as it just gets better with age just like all of us!

Joelle said...

Thanks for this post . . . these prices are similiar to what I try and stick to also! I ALWAYS check the clearance meats and have gotten some decent deals before - We got some yummy steaks the other night! I don't shop Winco much, but we were totally out of hamburger and I figured that would be the best place to buy this week and got it for 1.99/lb for 85/15. Do you guys go to Winco weekly? I don't like that they don't have ads and I HATE that you have to bag - ugh . . nightmare with the kids! :-) (They are always "Helping"). Otherwise, I try and use like my $10 cats for meats as it's not coming directly out of my pocket. This week I will get some of the chicken breasts on sale at Safeway with the $1 off coupon ect. Sometimes though . . .you just have to pony up the dough! :-)

Michele, thanks again for my Albies Doublers!

Leah said...

Ohhh, maybe we could start an online price book for meat prices in NoSpo. LMK if your interested, I will set up a google doc we can all access :)

Michele said...


That is a fantastic idea. I'm sure everyone would benefit from it.


I'm sorry to hear your kids are sick. I hope you don't get it as well. It took me about ten days before I felt normal. You are lucky that your husband will coupon, Mine would not be caught dead. Yes, I shop Winco weekly. I pick up my fruits and vegetables there. I find that they have the most consistent produce prices. But I will pick up produce if the price is righ at other stores for example the .99lb grapes last weekend at Safeway or the .47 bags of salad at Albertsons.